Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) covers the Nursery and Reception years. It's the start of an exciting journey for your child and you'll be keen to help them every step of the way. To do this, you'll need to understand what they are being taught in the EYFS curriculum and have the right resources at hand to support learning at home.
Get your child's learning off to the best start in EYFS
From the first day in Nursery and throughout Reception, your child will start to gain vital skills like understanding phonics, forming letters, using number lines and doing addition and subtraction and starting to learn about ourselves.
In this section you'll find all the information you need, as well as hundreds of EYFS English worksheets, EYFS maths worksheets and EYFS science worksheets to help you support learning at home and get your child’s education off to a great start!
All about phonics
From recognising letters of the alphabet to being able to read words, your child's reading ability will come on in leaps and bounds during their years in Nursery and Reception and you'll be expected to give them lots of support at home. You'll find lots of resources to help phonics learning on the website, including:
- Lots of phonics worksheets
- Fabulous phonics – a complete overview of how and why phonics is taught, as well as teacher tips to help you make phonics learning part of your child's everyday life and 50 printable games and activities
- Phonics games pack - 10 games and activities to put phonics skills into practice
- What parents need to know about the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
- The best phonics learning tools
Nursery and Reception eBook Bundle
Is your child about to start Nursery or Reception? If so, TheSchoolRun has designed an Early Years book bundle just for you and your child that will ensure you have all the support and educational resources you need to make this important transition.
The Nursery and Reception Activity eBook is a beautifully illustrated guide linked to early learning goals for children under five. With fun and familiar themes divided into six activities per section, this book puts the fun into learning from the word go. Each activity is short to keep your child engaged, and so you can limit your time investment to just as long as you have. With easy-to-follow instructions, a clear description of the areas of learning and development along with age groups for attainment, your child will love learning while they play.
Starting school can be as exciting for parents as it is for their children. The Essential Guide to the First Years of School aims to answer the questions that you might ask about your child’s time in primary school. This book is every parent’s indispensable guide to managing the first years at school. You’ll refer to it time and again for useful information for new starters, as well as how to tackle issues, what all the jargon means and how to get help for special needs children and manage your child’s wellbeing.
Support your child's progress in Reception with a unique Learning Journey programme
The Reception English Learning Journey and Reception Maths Learning Journey each comprise 40 worksheets that will help your child review and master all the core areas of learning that they’ll be taught in the National Curriculum in Reception.
By following the programme, which closely mirrors what your child is being taught in school, you’ll quickly be able to spot any topics that your child hasn't fully grasped and reinforce learning that is happening in the classroom at home. Your child will feel more confident in their own abilities and you’ll know you are giving your child the very best chance of succeeding in school.
You can also see if your Reception child's learning is on track with the Reception Maths Progress check and Reception English Progress check.
Let the Homework Gnome help with your history, geography and science learning
For starters, you could find out more about: